Final Blog of 2020..

Final Blog of 2020..

25th December 2020 1 By MWPadmin

As I write my final blog of 2020 and here is hoping for a better year to all my readers. As an eternal optimist and to paraphrase Jack Kerouac :

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”

A fellow Genealogist show me this website: Espacenet – patent search  and I decided to delve into the wonders of Patents.  Being Christmas surely there would be something apt for me to write?  I came across the below, A candy box request from 1912 by Louis Ward Wheelock.

He is descendant of an unknown line, what caught my attention was the use of Ward as a middle name as the Wards and the Wheelock line we descended have been connected by marriage since the mid 1800’s.

Birth 7 Nov 1870 Camden, Camden County, New Jersey, United States of America Death 10 Jan 1950 Swarthmore, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

A mystery for me to solve in 2021. My next Blog is in January next year.

Let us hope you have a good time for Christmas or in the next few days with your loved ones

Merry, Merry Christmas and see you in 2021.

I came across the following entry:

US1142131A       US1912733580A               CANDY-BOX. 










































































The second one is a US3768202A FLOWER HOLDER that can be used for Christmas decorations Patented by J.E Wheelock in 30th October 1973











The present invention relates to a flower holder of the type which engages the side walls of a vase to be stabilized and supported thereby. The flower holder comprises a hollow generally spheroidal body formed of a resilient plastic and which has a multiplicity of longitudinally arched segments with their ends joined together adjacent the axis of the body. The segments each have a plurality of stem receiving openings spaced therealong and the segments are angularly spaced apart intermediate the ends of the body so that the segments can be individually flexed to conform to different vases, and to also resiliently retain the holder in a selected vertical position in the vase.