Final Blog of 2020..
As I write my final blog of 2020 and here is hoping for a better year to all my readers. As an eternal optimist and to paraphrase Jack Kerouac :
“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”
A fellow Genealogist show me this website: Espacenet – patent search and I decided to delve into the wonders of Patents. Being Christmas surely there would be something apt for me to write? I came across the below, A candy box request from 1912 by Louis Ward Wheelock.
He is descendant of an unknown line, what caught my attention was the use of Ward as a middle name as the Wards and the Wheelock line we descended have been connected by marriage since the mid 1800’s.
Birth 7 Nov 1870 Camden, Camden County, New Jersey, United States of America Death 10 Jan 1950 Swarthmore, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, United States of America
A mystery for me to solve in 2021. My next Blog is in January next year.
Let us hope you have a good time for Christmas or in the next few days with your loved ones
Merry, Merry Christmas and see you in 2021.
I came across the following entry:
US1142131A US1912733580A CANDY-BOX.
The second one is a US3768202A FLOWER HOLDER that can be used for Christmas decorations Patented by J.E Wheelock in 30th October 1973

I have recently found someone with Ward as a middle name in my database